Presentation at 4H County Rally

The Cumberland County 4H clubs held a County Rally on March 30 at the Pugwash High School. Our CDMA brothers chose this day to present our donation to the 4H boys and girls of Cumberland County, through the help of one of the 4H organizers, Mrs. April Findlay. Our donation was made up of funds raised by our district brothers and the Masonic Foundation.

This was our final installment to help the 4H clubs of Cumberland County. We were very pleased to present them with a cheque for $10,040.00!

A number of the Cumberland District masons made it to the presentation. Afterwards we were invited to stay to see some of the contests that were held as part of their Woodsmen Competitions, which was a big part of the day’s activities.

Below we see April Findlay accepting the cheque from the brothers.

L to R: RW Bro. Alan Linkletter, RW Bro. Scott McNairn (our DDGM), April Findlay, RW Bro. Graeme Bales and RW Bro. Bill Merriam {Photo by VW Bro. Mike Gaul}

After this the 4H’ers joined us for a group photo.

Click to enlarge.

Once the inside presentations were finished everyone moved outside for the Woodsmen Competitions. Here are a few shots of the sawing competition.

The Rally was well attended with family and friends that came out to see the 4H’ers perform.

The CDMA was thanked by several of the attendees for our donation which will go a long way in helping out this very worthwhile youth based organization.

Click to enlarge.

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